Thursday, September 25, 2014

bedtime switch

Naomi and Hudson have switched role in the past few weeks when it comes to bedtime.  For a long time, Hudson often cried when he went to bed; not for long, but usually nightly we would hear him anywhere from 2 min - 20 min, which is when I would usually go intervene.  Now i am nursing him downstairs, getting his teeth brushed and otherwise ready for bed and then heading upstairs to read a book or two, rock, and sing you are my sunshine a few times.  I lay him on his tummy (as I always have) and he goes to sleep.  Even if he doesn't go right to sleep, he sits up and plays, talks, reads, and eventually lays down quietly.  It's been amazing!  Around the same time that Hudson has quieted down his nightly routine(August 2014) Naomi has reverted to crazy fits.  Historically, (since age 1) she has done pretty well at bedtime, especially in the last year.  We brush teeth, wash face, go potty, read, cuddle, hug, kiss, sing, make sure all necessary items are in bed with her (blankies, babies, water bottle, and toy of the day), say goodnight and leave.  She would sit in bed and read, or talk to herself, or play.  For the last few weeks we've been in quite a battle.  We do all the same prep, but now we've added fish kisses, back rubbing, multiple hugs and kisses, a bunch of fast small kisses in a row (all her), an overview of our day, a prep for tomorrow, multiple I love you's, and now a very strong bribe.  If you don't cry tonight, you can watch Peppa Pig tomorrow.  The bribe has worked, and actually did tonight (!), but it's not perfect.  It's a long time for a 3 yr old to wait to watch a TV show, but I'm hoping it only gets better as we proceed.

Update (10/2/14): Hudson has decided that since he goes down easily, that he should be waking up during the night.  We're on the 3rd night of him waking up throughout the night AND waking up Very early for the day (4am).  Last night he was up at 2am, 4am, 5am, 5:30am, and 6:15am.   Ouch.  I gave up.  Although he still nurses, I'm not sure there's enough milk for 5 feedings in a row...  I'm guessing he's about to take off on the walking front and never crawl again.  He has been doing much better, but still crawling more.  He's probably growing too since he eats like a maniac. / Naomi is still fighting bedtime. It's awful, but every once in awhile she gets to watch Peppa Pig!

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