Thursday, October 2, 2014

Naomi can hold her own and Hudson is beyond needy

Naomi is attending preschool twice a week at the YMCA and a once a week parent and tot preschool at Wesleyan this year. Because her Birthday is 2 weeks past the cut off date, she has to wait a year to start the normal preschool.  Which mostly means she is a year behind all of her friends, and the oldest in the Wesleyan class.  The YMCA preschool is a little different.  They have a 2.5 - 4 year olds range as long as they are potty trained.  When I picked her up from preschool on Tuesday, her teacher told me that she was talking to me in her sleep the night before, telling me that I must have Naomi's birth year incorrect and trying to convince me that she just turned 4, not 3.  She said Naomi seems more like a 4 year old because she is assertive and confident.  Also, of course, she is tall...  Then I run into her other teacher today and she tells me, 'Naomi can really hold her own'.  She continues to tell me how she doesn't let the bigger kids pick on her even if they are a year+ older than she is.  These traits must be from Dave since I was a very shy child and cried if people looked at me.

Hudson is currently in a needy phase, and I do hope it is a phase. Although it's always nice to be needed, he will cry all afternoon unless i am holding him; and he's heavy.  He's still nursing, but that doesn't seem to be what he's after, although if I offer it, he won't turn it away.  He's a growing boy and eats almost everything, and spends a large portion of his day eating, so i keep thinking he's hungry but that's not it. He can put away a good portion of a cantaloupe on his own, a whole peach, way too many chicken nuggets, etc.  for breakfast he eats a handful of blueberries, a packet of oatmeal, and some smoothie. He will easily eat a snack less than an hour later.  He eats much more than Naomi, although that's not hard to do unless it's ice cream.  He's been working on walking so maybe it's just all the new things he's learning or maybe his legs are sore? maybe he doesn't like being away from me when I work out at the Y or drop him off when i have preschool with Naomi.  Who knows... he's not telling me.

This is Naomi's first day of preschool take 2:

There is a picture of Naomi's first day of preschool take 1, but since it looks exactly the same I don't need to post it.  You see, Part 1 happened a week before preschool actually started.  

It was kinda a bummer since we had talked and talked about the first day and when we show up, her teachers were just setting up the classroom getting ready for the first day of school... the following week.  In my defense, the teacher had not added my email to the group, so I never got the information about the start of school.  I did, however, email her a few weeks prior asking if i had missed something; which is when she realized she had never added me.  Then she forward me one flyer.  I had paid for sept 1-30th, and all the other preschool started the week I thought Naomi's did.  When the teacher asked me if I had read her email, I of course replied yes (because I did) and she said the start date and orientation date was in that email.  It was not in anything she sent me.  I showed her what I had and she realized she had missed the attachment for orientation and start date.  So there.  not my fault.  Naomi handled it well and we went home.

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