Wednesday, October 8, 2014

On our own... All fall

October 9, 2014

Dave has been traveling almost every week since early September. It's not bad, except for the witching hours, 4-6pm. And then of course from 6-9 getting them down by myself. Hudson has continued his neediness, and now it seems he's needing me while he's at parents day out- the daycare that he goes to while Naomi and I are in the mommy and me preschool down the hall. The staff had to call me today because he wouldn't stop crying. They thought he was sick... But once we got home, he was back to normal. I am planning to do a spin class tomorrow morning at the y, and he will be in child watch. I really hope he can hang.

He is starting to wave more- it's the upside down open close movement. It's too cute. And oh my, his conversations with himself are adorable. I wish I could understand all that he says. It seems very important. He seems to talk on the phone ( his hand) often... No comments please. He still throws himself backwards as hard as he can when he doesn't get what he wants- something he's been doing since he could sit. He slams his poor head so hard on the hardwood floor, you think even a baby would learn?

The other day I went in the office, I came out 2 minutes later and Hudson had climbed the stairs to his room and was happily playing with his sound machine. I had a small heart attack for the second time last week. The first was when I found him in the laundry room inches away from the top basement stair. Luckily Liza's bowls of food and water were more entertaining than the stairs.

Today Naomi threw a major fit on the majority of our walk and while she was riding her bike. She wanted to go to the park right then, but I said we needed to walk Liza first. Poor Liza. She gets more attention now that the baby stage is over, but not what she used to get. Finally Naomi lost it, got off her bike, screaming and crying. I kept walking, and then I hear... ' I'm just having a rough day.' My heart melted a little and I picked her up. So sweet. It's the first time she's expressed a feeling like that, even though I know it was more mimicking than anything. (I had asked Hudson earlier today when we picked him up from the daycare if he was having a rough day..) but I'll take what I can get from Naomi. 

I has success last night getting Naomi to sleep without crying! I left the door open and told her that I would come back up in 5 min if she didn't cry. Unfortunately, I was ahead of myself and thought I had solved our going to bed problem... And I was wrong. I visited Naomi's room 4 times tonight. Only 1 of which was a promised visit if she was quiet. Oh well, i'll have another chance tomorrow night! ;) and then Dave gets home at 11pm, so he can take Friday night! Ha!
Hudson never falls asleep anywhere but his crib... Unless he wakes up 12 times the night before. What a snuggle bug.

Naomi feeding Hudson:

Hudson feeding himself:

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