Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Naomi's funny sayings

I have a book called 'My Quotable Kid', and I need to start writing these down, but I thought I'd add them here too.  They're too funny to forget.

As I've mentioned, Naomi is having a difficult time getting to sleep for naps and nighttime.  It's been rough on me.  I'm really trying not to get mad, but at 9:30pm, when I started the process at 7:30, and Hudson is asleep and Dave is gone... I sometimes loose it.  Anyways, last week, Naomi was in the middle of her screaming fit yelling 'mommy! mommy! mommy!, i need you to come up here, or I need new water, or i need a fish kiss, or I want you to tuck me in (Or as she screamed, last night, 'I want a spanking'. That was my threat...it obviously didn't work.)  While she screams, she often stands on her bed and looks directly into the camera because she knows I'm watching on the monitor.  She was trying to climb on the head of her bed and must have fallen, then the screams really got bad, so I went up there.  When she hears me unlock the gate, she immediately lays in her bed.  This time, she's sobbing laying with her head down and her butt in the air, crying, 'Mommy, kiss my bum.  Kiss my bum, mommy!  Kiss my bum!'  It was so funny, and even funnier in the middle of it when she was very serious about me kissing her butt.  (yes, I kissed the top of her bum, and tried to keep from cracking up.)  At least it lightened my mood!

A couple weeks ago we decorated for Halloween and Nana came over.  She told Naomi she almost couldn't get to the front door because she was so scared.  Naomi, the little therapist, said, "It's okay to be scared, Nana.' and walked inside.

Mike and Kim came over on Saturday night for a glass of wine.  Naomi Loves them!  They always bring some treat for her and are very interactive.  Naomi took Mike downstairs and was making him ladybug soup. (Last week when she made Ladybug soup for me, I asked what she put in the soup.  She said salt and wine.  Humm... I guess she has the basics covered.)  She then told Mike that the soup will be ready in 2 minutes and that, 'You need to be patient!'  We all thought it was pretty cute.

My favorite quote so far was about a year ago while she was playing in the basement.  I came down to check on her and I asked her what she was doing.  She said she was 'playing in Daddy's House'. I stopped and asked her what?  She again said she was in Daddy's house and that I shouldn't be in Daddy's house.  Where do I need to go? Upstairs.  what's upstairs?  Mommy's house.  at a little more than 2 years old, she picks up on a lot.  Daddy often sleeps downstairs when he can't fall asleep, and for the first few months of Hudson's life, Dave slept in the basement full time since Hudson woke up every 1.5 hours for 4-5 months!  Plus he showers downstairs, he watches TV downstairs, he has his beers downstairs, and I cook and clean upstairs.  Humm...

The kids got their flu shots last week so I took their weights:
Hudson weights 21.1 lbs with clothes and it was on the adult scale so it's probably not very accurate
Naomi weights 33.5lbs

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