Thursday, October 16, 2014

Shower in peace. Clean freak.

Showering seems to always be an issue once you have kids. For me it started when I was pregnant with Naomi! I was so sick and so tired I started skipping every other day because it was just too hard! Crazy to think about that now. Then when you have an infant your entire life revolves around their nursing and pooping schedules, and showers don't seem to fit into that. With Naomi, I just set her in some baby holder in the bathroom while I showered or had Dave take her.  Now with hudson, since I am home, I don't shower before Dave leaves. I had luck with the baby holder for a little bit, but then naomi would pick at him, then he could sit and play in the bumba, but naomi would take away the toys and he would cry, or he would throw them and then cry for them back.
Then he sat by himself and that was great for awhile... Until he started crawling and then Naomi had to make sure the door stayed closed so he couldn't get out. She actually caught on to that quickly. Then he caught on to the cabinets and all the 'goodies' they held. Now he's 13.5 months and walking efficiently. He can open the drawers, pull stuff out, stay standing, walk away with the toilet paper trailing behind him, even open the toilet and get into the water.  He seems to like the garbage can as well. Naomi was never into the toilet, toilet paper, or trash! I've somewhat successfully taken a few showers by providing toys and food, showering quickly, putting the toilet paper up, locking all cabinets, and having something on top of the toilet. Hudson has now learned how to get the sliding hidden door open, so now it needs to be locked which means Naomi cannot come and go. Today I had a brilliant idea! I showered while naomi was at preschool and instead of locking hudson in the bathroom, I closed the huge door that separates the master bed and bath and office from the living room, closed the master door and left the office and the bathroom doors open so he could walk around and play with toys in the office. Fail! He figured out how to turn the doornob and open the door. As soon as it was opened a crack, liza helped, from the other side, push it open to get in. Liza came in, hudson went out and closed the door! I'm watching this as I'm trying to wash very quickly since now my 13 month old is on the loose!!! At least I had the gate to the stairs closed today - last week I turned around for a minute and hudson was in his room playing with his sound machine! I had no idea he had gone up those scary stairs! 

Naomi has always been a clean girl. I thought it was from Dave, but my
Mom told me I was the same way! She was so easy to potty train. I barley did anything. She did not like being wet or dirty, so the whole process took less than a week and not much on my part. She quickly got the nighttime down too and has been in panties since early 2. We could have started before her second birthday but I was so sick and in pain from pregnancy that I didn't have the energy to try it. 

She never gets her hands dirty and if she happens to get something on her fingers she holds them up and out and almost cries for a wipe. She does like painting but it's pretty controlled. At our mommy and me preschool she has a lot of painting options and she never chooses them! She won't even play with the clay or play dough much. I'm hoping this cleanliness doesn't turn into anything more severe! Like daddy, like daughter!

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