Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pumpkin Patch, Reward Jars, Milestones

We took a trip to the Farmstead last week while Daddy was in New York.  His sinuses don't really enjoy the hay so he's okay that he missed out.  Nana came with us instead.  I got a bunch of cute pictures of Hudson and only one of Naomi.  (Earlier in the week, Hudson walked down a little hill toward the playground, fell in slow motion, and hit his nose on the cement border around the swings.  He's still got a couple scabs from that - over a week ago now!)  Even with his war wounds, he really enjoyed the pumpkin patch since he got to run free.  He rode the ponies and touched the animals, jumped on the big jumpy with all the big kids and even went down the slide with me.  Naomi was very busy with her friends.  She even rode a pony! First time since she was 16 months old at a friend's birthday party.  Ever since then she's been very scared to get on, and nothing traumatic happened.  When she did get on, the pony moved without warning and I wasn't near her.  She started screaming and wanted off.  I was able to talk her into getting back on with me holding on to her and she finished the $5, 2 minute ride.  She won't feed the animals or touch them, or go down the slide, but she is fearless in other ways.  Like standing up for herself, or claiming what is hers, which is everything.  

We've implemented a new reward system.  We have 3 jars, one for Being nice to Hudson, one for going to bed without crying, and one for eating dinner.  They are labeled and next to them is a bowl of pom poms.  When she does one of the three things, she gets to put a pom pom into the appropriate jar.  When the jar is full, we go get ice cream (or a toy or a cupcake, but she wants ice cream).  It's been 6 days now and we have 3 pom poms in the Being nice to Hudson jar, a bunch in the going to sleep without crying (this one includes naptime) and zero in the eating dinner jar.  Although it's not helping her eat dinner, it seems to be helping her go to sleep easier, which really decreases my frustration, exhaustion, and yelling.  I'm hoping it keeps working.  Liza has also been sleeping in her room off and on and that seems to help when she's feeling scared.  I've told her that Liza will leave if she cries because it scares her.  Naomi also knows that Liza only barks if there is someone there, so if she barks, I will run upstairs very quickly.  She often repeats this to me after Liza comes up to make sure that's still the plan if she should bark.  

Hudson is completely done with crawling and seems to have mastered walking very quickly.  Compared to Naomi who wouldn't walk without a hand for months! Hudson never wants to hold a hand.  he is very independent; until 5pm and then he needs to be held until dinner.  The witching hour.  He is working on some new teeth, number 7 and 8.  I cannot believe he can eat almost anything with only 6 front teeth.  By 12 months, Naomi was missing only 1-2 teeth, so she had 18-19.  Possibly less because i have no idea when she got her molars. Glad he has his front one for pictures. They're pretty cute little teeth!

Last year this hat was too big, this year it's clearly too small.

I asked Naomi what her favorite part of the pumpkin patch was and she said, 'Alex'.   Alex likes Naomi equally as much as she likes him, but Alex also loves Hudson.

This is Hudson staring at the entrance to a haunted house.  It was decorated with scary things.  I'm not sure if he was interested or scared himself.  He doesn't seem to act scared with things that scare Naomi yet.

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